QUESTION: When optimizing URLs for keywords, should words like "and", "the" and "of" be omitted from URLs?

For instance: \ndomain/cars-and-trucks \ncompared to \ndomain/cars-trucks"

It’s generally recommended to omit words like “and,” “the,” and “of” from URLs when optimizing for keywords. These words are considered “stop words” by search engines and don’t carry much weight in terms of search ranking. Removing them can make your URLs shorter, cleaner, and more focused on the key terms. For example, “domain/cars-trucks” is considered a more SEO-friendly URL than “domain/cars-and-trucks” because it directly targets the primary keywords “cars” and “trucks.” While search engines are becoming increasingly intelligent and can often understand the context of these words, it’s still a best practice to keep URLs concise and keyword-rich.