I recently encountered a job offer over Whatsapp for this website about SEO. I searched Google for this website but I could not find anything about it, everything just led me to [mangools.com](http://mangools.com) instead of [https://www.aostools-mangools.com](https://www.aostools-mangools.com) . So, I can't help wondering if this website is a scam or actually earns you money.It is highly likely that https://www.aostools-mangools.com is a scam. The website uses the branding of the legitimate website [mangools.com](http://mangools.com) but is not an official website. It is very likely the website is trying to phish or scam users by mimicking the legitimate site. The design of the website is a poor imitation of Mangools, with different fonts and the use of image captions instead of text. It is recommended to avoid this website and report it to the registrar at abuse@dnspod.com to help prevent further scams.