How do you track customer journey till the pricing page?

I am interested in gaining detailed insights into the customer journey on my website. Some days, I notice a variation in the number of signups on the pricing page, and I am curious to figure out what factors may have contributed to this fluctuation. I wonder if certain keywords or backlinks played a significant role in driving traffic to my site. Although I have attempted to analyze factors such as blog traffic and user location, I have not yet identified a strong correlation. Google Analytics provides information on the sources of traffic but does not offer a comprehensive customer journey map. How do you typically track this data for your website?

Software like Microsoft Clarity, Hotjar, or Sprig can be used to record and analyze visitor trends on your website. These tools provide valuable insights into user behavior, including their interactions with specific pages, scrolling patterns, and mouse movements. By using these tools, you can gain a deeper understanding of how users navigate your website, identify potential obstacles in their journey, and pinpoint areas for improvement to optimize conversions on your pricing page.