Is it possible to purchase a GPL theme? What is the best website to buy GPL themes from?
It’s not generally recommended to buy GPL themes. The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a license that gives users the freedom to use, share, and modify software. When you purchase a GPL theme, you’re essentially buying a copy of the theme, but you are not purchasing the right to use it commercially.
The GPL license requires that any modifications you make to the theme must also be released under the GPL. This means that if you sell a website built with a GPL theme, you must also provide the source code for the theme to your customers.
This can be a difficult and time-consuming process, and it can also lead to legal issues. It’s important to understand that GPL themes are meant to be free and open-source. While you can certainly use them for your own personal website, it’s generally not recommended to use them for commercial websites.
If you’re looking for a theme for your commercial website, it’s best to choose a theme that is licensed under a commercial license. This will give you the rights to use the theme for commercial purposes without having to worry about the GPL.